Church News




Sat. May 18 9:30 am—4 pm here at First Lutheran (Lunch Provided)

Please sign up so that Dennis can register you with the First Lutheran folks for Free!


Come for a day to be inspired about who we are as a church in the face of

challenges. Explore how God might be calling your congregation to use the assets

entrusted to its care to create a more sustainable and faithful future. We will go forward in joy and not fear.

Our presenter is Grace Pomroy who is the Director of the Stewardship Leaders Program at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN. She’s a lay, millennial stewardship leader, speaker, and financial educator based in Allyn, WA. She is the co-author of the

stewardship book, Embracing Stewardship: How to Put Stewardship at the Heart of

Your Congregation’s Life, as well as author of the 2013 ELCA stewardship resource, “Stewards of God’s Love.” She is currently working on a book about alternative financial models for ministry with Fortress Press, an imprint of 1517 Media.


Outline of the Day:

9:30-10am Registration and Hospitality

10:00am Land Acknowledgement (Synod Staff)

10:05am Opening Prayers (Synod Staff)

10:15am Opening (Grace Pomroy)

10:35am Scripture & Reflection on Grief and Hope (Grace)

10:55am Break

11:10am Funding Forward (Grace)

11:40am Ministry Partner Time

12:00pm Lunch

12:30pm Connection Time

1:00pm Bishop’s Time (Bp Manlove)

1:30pm Assets Brainstorm (Grace)

2:15pm Break

2:30pm Theology and Native Lands Map (Grace and Staff)

3:00pm Holy Imagining (Grace)

3:30pm Sending Worship (Staff and Volunteers)

High School Grads will be celebrated on Sunday, June 9th. Mark your calendars!

Silent Auction & Dinner fundraiser for the Youth will be held on June 14th at 6pm. This will be our last big fundraiser for the Youth & Young Adult trip to the ELCA Gathering in New Orleans. We are gathering goodie baskets for auction; if you would like to donate something, please talk to JulieAnna so that your item/basket can be on display before the event!

Youth, College & Young Adult Bible Study will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings from 6pm to 8pm. Dinner will be served in the fellowship hall at 6pm with the confirmation students for dinner. There is a NEW sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for providing a simple crock-pot meal for the Wednesday night study groups. We will then move to the youth room to continue our study on John 1, John 2, and John 3. Games are from 7:30 to 8pm.

Get Signed Up for Vacation Bible School 2024: June 23rd through 27th

from 5:45 pm—8:00pm!

This summer we are taking a dive into SCUBA’s VBS adventure to learn the depth of God’s endless love. Registration forms are on the kids table outside the sanctuary. Adults: please sign up to volunteer!