Church News
Cold Weather Shelter will begin nightly hosting at the Western Village by the rodeo arena on Nov. 15th. We at First Lutheran church have supported the cold weather shelter in past years by offering our gym as one of the shelters and by having our congregation members volunteer with operation, meal service and checking people in and out of the shelter. For those wishing to volunteer this year, the link to the Cold Weather Shelter volunteer sign-up is on the HopeSource Cold Weather Shelter webpage under services by location—Ellensburg. HopeSource is also taking monetary donations to help run the facility, if anyone would like to help support the shelter that way.
Weekend Nutrition Giving Tree: Please check out the Giving Tree for our Weekend Nutrition outreach filled with weekly items and costs. Your prayers and financial support are huge to this important outreach!
Youth, College and Young Adults classes will be on break until January 8th.
Confirmation Classes will be on break until January 8th. To confirmation students: feel free to join the Youth group for the nights they are meeting, and have a great holiday Season—December is a great time to catch up on homework and worship notes!
Choir Practices during December will be held Thursdays at 6:30pm and on Sundays at 9:15am before the service. After the Sunday the 22nd the choir will be on break until January 8th. Remember to bring your Christmas cheer!