Pastor's Message

July 2024

Dear People of God,


In Mark 2:23—3:6, our Gospel reading for June 2nd, the Pharisees (legal beagles) accuse Jesus of disregarding the Sabbath, since he heals someone on the Sabbath (healing work) and also allows his disciples to pick some grain to eat (harvesting work).  Jesus says, “The Sabbath was made for humankind, not humankind for the Sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the Sabbath.”  “Sabbath” does mean “to rest or cease”.  God rested on the seventh day after creating and God gives his people a day of rest as a gift of refreshment.  Jesus observes the Sabbath day of rest and worship, but he is also not confined by human made rules and regulations about the Sabbath.

This August I will have been a Lutheran pastor for 35 years!  It’s hard for me to believe that I’ve been doing this that long.  In my 35 years of pastoral ministry, I have never really taken a sabbatical year.  (Sabbatical comes from “Sabbath”).  I’m not saying that is necessarily good.  It just never seemed right to me.  However, I have taken many “mini sabbaticals” over the years.  Every summer I take 3 or 4 weeks of vacation in a row.  I always feel very much refreshed and renewed after taking that time off.  I always feel rejuvenated in body, mind and spirit.  Resting in God’s care reminds us that it does not all depend on us.  It all depends on God.

I pray that you also find some time for rest and renewal this summer.  I realize that for many folks, like farmers, construction

workers and many others, the summer is the busy time.  These folks have to find another season for R & R.  But I pray that everyone gets at least a little time for rest and renewal this summer.

I am always renewed by spending time in God’s beautiful creation, especially our Cascade Mountains.  The beauty and majesty of our peaks and valleys, forests and lakes always renews my spirit and puts me in my proper little place in the universe.  However you are

renewed in body, mind, and spirit, I hope you get to do some of that this summer.

~ May the peace of Christ be with you this summer, Pastor Dennis