Ministries & Outreach

FLC Quilters

The Quilters meet weekly on Wednesdays to make quilts! Some are given out to high school graduates, newborns, and various community organizations such as Toys 4 Tots and Hearts & Hands of Kittitas County. The rest of the quilts are sold in November to pay for the tuning of our lovely church organ.

The quilts pictured are being donated to veterans at the Prestige Senior Living Center at Hearthstone.

Weekend Nutrition

First Lutheran Church currently supplies elementary schools Lincoln, Ida Nason, and Damman a total of 41 bags each week during the school year for Weekend Nutrition.  Each of these bags contain food for 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners.  They are hugely appreciated by all three schools, and, we have been told, is the only food some of the children see all weekend.  Thank you, First Lutheran, for your generous support of this important outreach.

Coffee hour

Hosted by the council ministries, but everyone and anyone is most welcome to bring baked goods. Volunteers are still welcome to add their names to the cookie sign-up sheet by the kitchen, so please sign up for a week to bring in cookies or other treats.

First Sunday: Congregational Life, Worship & Music

Second Sunday: Youth, Education

Third Sunday: Stewardship, Property Management

Fourth Sunday: Outreach

Fifth Sunday: TBD on Months with 5 Sundays

Youth Ministries -

Youth offerings are comprised of bible school during the worship service each Sunday for children 3 years to 5th Grade.  Vacation Bible School (VBS) running annually each Summer at the end of July, and Highschool / College Youth Group meeting Wednesdays for dinner and bible study.