May 9, 2023

First Lutheran Church Council Minutes – May 9, 2023


Council Members present: Debbie Butler, Jan McElroy, Joslyn LaVera, Ida Malde, Don Meseck, Kara Danna

Council members absent:   Eric Merten, Pete Petersen, Levi Winter

Non-council members present: Pastor Dennis Hickman, Julie Anna Boss, Isabella Weidert


Devotions were given by Ida Malde.


 The June devotions will be given by Kara Danna.


It was moved by Jan, seconded by Debbie, and passed to approve the April 2023 council minutes.


Old Business:

An AED was ordered for $675 and paid for with Thrivent Choice Dollars. JulieAnna will look into CPR/AED training.


Youtube viewing- JulieAnna will speak with Doug Fessler about cross-training so more have access to setting it up.


New Business:

Isabella- presented on purchasing a refurbished booklet finisher to replace the Risograph. Joslyn moved and Jan gave second, passed to purchase and use Rainy Day funds for payment.


A letter from Mike Sandman was shared about refurbishing the outdoor playground equipment at the church. A work party will be scheduled for June 10. Debbie moved and Joslyn gave second, passed to be done and to use Thrivent Choice Dollars for payment.



Pastor’s Report: - See attached for the full report

The pastor’s written report was given to council. Items and council discussion included:

$500 will be kept on hand for the Discretionary fund

Cupcakes will be served at the senior recognition on June 4th.


Our Synod has a newly elected Bishop, Pastor Megan Manlove.


Dennis will be on vacation July 10 through Aug 6 and is lining up preachers.


Outreach: Compassion Sunday was good and some children were adopted.


Worship and Music: The piano in the chapel is available- U-haul


Stewardship: Nothing to report


Youth and Education: Going well. Barb Riley is helping with the music portion of Sunday school.


Congregational Life: May 7 was a very successful potluck.

There is a full roster for the May 21 Spring Music Festival.


Property Management: Faucets were ordered through ACE, the committee will install them.


South Property: All is going well.


IT:  Nothing to report.


Financial Report: See attached for a full report.


·        Contributions to FISH for April totaled $726.34

·        Contributions to ELCA Middle East totaled $85

·        Contributions to ELCA Disaster Response totaled $393.00



·        The next council meeting will be held on Tuesday June 13 at 6:30pm.


·         The meeting was adjourned with prayer.


Respectfully submitted by Jan McElroy. 

Pastor’s report to church council May 9, 2023


1.Synod Assembly highlights (see hand-out) from April 28-30 in Pasco.  Kara Danna and I attended: overnighted at my Mom’s house.  We elected a new bishop, pastor Megan Manlove of Trinity Lutheran, Nampa, ID: passed 2 years worth of budget, had great worship times and Bible study and meals.  Elected synod council members and other committee members.


2. Officiated at Geraldine Childress’s memorial service Fri May 5 at Johnston & Williams. Thanks to Laurae Lygre for music.


3. It was great to have Philorian Mpendaye, General Secretary of the Ulanga Kilombero Diocese with us last weekend. He spent the night at my house on Sat May 6 and then was with on Sunday morning to bring greetings & a presentation. Many thanks to all who made the potluck happen after worship. I delivered Philorian to Christ Lutheran, Yakima about 3:30pm Sunday for his 4pm presentation there.


4. I led a prayer section at the Net’l Day of Prayer at City Hall on May 4th. Thanks to Phil Cutlip for singing the National Anthem!


5. We hope to welcome new members Jeff & Kathy Ziegler, Brian Hickman, Keith & Courtney and Jack Karns on Sun May 21.  John Fisher will be joining us later.

         May 21 is also the Spring Music Fest before worship and the last choir anthem.


6. Irrigation water finally got turned on May 4th.


7. High school senior recognition Sunday will be June 4th.  Cake or cupcakes please.


8. As cluster dean I led pastor Ann Murphy’s installation service at Central Lutheran, Yakima on Sun Apr 23 at 3pm.  I will also lead pastor Chris Peterson’s installation service at Christ Lutheran, Yakima on May 21st at 3pm.


9. From pastor’s discretionary fund, I request $500 to have cash on hand to help needy folks with bus tickets, gas, motel nights…. (The KVMA voucher system is slowly depleting even though First Lutheran and many other churches contribute to it.)


10. I’m planning vacation for July 10 through Aug 6.  Julie Anna Boss is preaching on July 16.  I’m in the process of finding preachers for July 23 & 30 and Aug 6.


Next meeting Tues June 13.  Devotions?

                                                                                 Peace in Christ, Pastor Dennis